Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Close Reading Exercise

Close Reading Exercise

Close Reading is a very simple reading technique appropriate for short, dense readings.
You will understand the reading better if you follow this technique. You will need three
different colored highlighters for this exercise.

First… Read the article and highlight its main points with one color. Write notes in the
margin as desired.

Second… Read the article a second time and highlight with a second color any additional
words or phrases that help you understand it better. Write notes in the margin as desired.

Third… Put the article away for at least one day, then read it a third time and highlight
with a third color any additional words or phrases that help you understand it better.
Write notes in the margin as desired.

Do this exercise using the article “Serving is Different from Helping and Fixing” located at this url: 

In writing margin notes, see if you can make connections between the reading and the

Hallmarks. Do the opinions expressed in this article reflect the Hallmarks in any way?

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